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Nasir Khasraw - living folklore of Chitral and Upper Ghizer

Ancient folklore of the Chitral and Ghizer Region

This was a time when Nasir Khasraw was in Kohistan and was designated for the job of da’wah. It was a hard job in the majority of rivals but he chose to spend some days with three shepherds of the region. The shepherds used to graze their sheep and goats all day long and return before dusk. To put off hunger they took with themselves dry hard bread. It stood the same for some days until Khasraw told them how long they would spend eating such dry bread crumbs. It would affect our health while grazing such a large flock. What if we slaughter one of the goats and eat it whole for today. One of the shepherds asked reluctantly, "And what if someone asks about the missing one".

Khasraw responded with assurance in his voice, “don’t fear, after finishing up collect all the bones and fill the goat's skin with it and number up it with the flock."

They did as they were told. Before dusk when the flock moved to the home they saw the goat alive as healthy as it was before. They were stunned and shocked as it was a miracle. It was quite unbelievable and inconceivable. This was awesome. One of the shepherds was the only son of their parents. On his arrival back home it was customary to present the herder food because they long for all day with a piece of dry bread and starve all day. Their son refuses food and says he doesn't feel hungry. Being only one made them worry. They had fatigued emotions regarding the son. They asked him several times about his health whether he feels unwell or it was another matter.

There existed no place for a single piece of food in his belly as he had a delicious meal that day.

It turned from dusk to dawn when he finally realized how his parents lived that night obsessed with weary thoughts about him. He decides to tell them as they would be anxious all day if they untold the real story. He pleas not to tell someone else. He tells them from odds to end, how a new Shepherd joined them and how he turned a dead goat into a living one. It was unusual and shocking but they decided to test Khasraw once more but this time when they will collect the bones he would hide one. His father tells him to offer Khasraw the gray goat and hide one bone and see what happens.

The Shepherd does as told but unprecedentedly the gray goat appeared in the flock as they moved to the home. When he arrived home, they asked him what Khasraw did to the goat. 

He said, instead of hip bone he hid a rib bone but Khasraw made a bone structure using a Gosper wood and put them all in the skin, and as hoped goat appear. This was quite astonishing but to make it certain they decided to slaughter the brown goat. Ribs were cooked and found a wood-carved rib in the pan. This shocked them.

As his super superiority had been ascertained, they plead Nasir Khusraw to join them in a supper feast. The following night Khusraw arrived at their home. They were like a butterfly orbiting a flower as they were doing to Khusraw. That night they asked him all the questions they had in their minds like, what is the world, how to live, what to have faith in, and all material and religious affairs. As part of their hospitality, they presented him a great food and were showing great honor and submission. His parents told [referring to their son],” this is our only son and would always be a loyal disciple to yours.” Then he conveys his consent and told cover the skylight with a piece of cloth to prevent the light escape the skylight and opens his all books and rest for the night there. Khusraw illuminates their souls like a sun illuminates the moon. They became aware of the world unknown to them, came to know what in reality the world is, what truly material duties are, realized where they stand and where to elevate their selves, and about the certainty of a religion of such kind. 

When he finished explaining all queries to them, the shepherd said, “it was like I was like void and you filled me with light and I glowed the rest through it.” This was how through esoteric interpretations and spiritual luminosity he preached the faith of love.

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