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What means "worrying" to students?

 We either find a way or make one. Hannibal

Alas, it's been twenty years until now, this was the first time I felt the cold breeze around my neck. Yes, a cold breeze is usually resentful and detested. For the first time in twenty years, I felt I was worrying. I felt a swinging heart and breath upheld. I felt warm tear droplets down my cheek. I was reminding myself of the admired days and grievance over the bygone past. With a wrenching heart and mind anchored, leaned over the table - Yeah, this was me. But what was I worrying for? The answer troubles more than the question. I had entered the contest, an explicit or implicit competition where I plunged inadvertently. A race with the thousands on the track. I sensed exhaustion and reluctance apparent in my voice. I was worried, yes, I was worried!

With my degree in my hands, I was on the market available for people to buy but I was not merely the antique piece there, several others around me more lucrative and branded were begging customers. I stood there for many years until I realized more of the brand new minds flooding the market. Now, I had become an antique piece after so many years but worthless. I went back, yes, I know that. I went back holding sarcasm and dismay in my pockets.

This was a cold February night and I was still awakened. I could feel the gentle breeze of dawn through my window. How decompression that caused to the awful mind has still firm impressions on my spirit. I was reckoning the past and the probable fruition it may cause in the future. It's been five years after the completion of my education and we had a sole breadwinner - he was the dad! I could not help but unlike the rest of the children, I was going through severe awkward emotions.

I always wished to help him and one more thing that I keep disguised from the rest is my growing tendency to drugs. Yes, I admit it.

Last night, I encountered an unprecedented experience of my whole life. I felt an energy, vitality, and strength of a unique kind when I woke up. That night, I went to bed eyes shallowed, I was complaining to God for all unfair bliss on me. Was I the only one to experience all harsh realities? Why I am in a dark hut, creeping corner to corner to find a possible way out. Why I am disenfranchised and others bestowed. Why I don't see the path. 

I told him, you are always unfair to me. My breath stuck in the throat, eyes tearing at that chilled night. I told him all that I carried with me for several years. I begged him to show me the purpose for which he brought me to the overlord world. Yes, I begged him for mercy.

That dawn, I was not like I used to be. I felt the difference. I was vastly a different person now. I was charged with more energy. I went to my father and told him to consent to appear in the country's most prestigious competitive Examination. He was amazed to hear that but he consented. After three months, I went to prepare myself and left home. I never looked back at the old me. God knows how I did it. 

yes, I had finally done it. I got my allocation in the Foreign Service of the country and I had made the history feel proud. This was how that weeping child knew his secret.

This is how you can worry less and work more. I still remember the golden words, once I read the book titled "Awaken the Giant Inside" when I was in my high school years. It read, " Four steps taken by successful ones;

 1. You decide what it is that you are committed to achieving.

 2. You are willing to take massive actions.

 3. You notice what's working or not.

 4. You continue to change your approach until you achieve what you want, using whatever life gives you along the way."

Now, after a long way, I couldn't help but cry. This quote didn't help until I toiled efforts to bring forth the purpose of mBut three things that you can at least embark on to learn your sole life motive.

Tonny Robbins asserts, "Three things/decisions that control your decisions/destiny;

  1. Your decision about what to focus on.

  2. Your decision about what things mean to you.

  3. Your decision about what to do to create the result you desired."

What I believe to create lasting change are;

 1. Rise your standard.

 2. Change your limiting beliefs.

 3. Change your strategy.

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