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Built bridges but do not cross them!

 Hypnotized by West!

The society you live in has norms and rules!
Society works as a discipline and it appears abnormal if you corrupt it.
Being in a modern world ( as everyone living in an age considers his age modern ) we have many things around us that the believers of Islam of early age lacked like the biggest revolution, I say it the social media. Its obsession confronts vague for most Muslims only because people spent half of their time in a day searching and scrolling down Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
Is this right to spend most of the time with it?

It seems as life is elevated becoming more harder even to think is there any other thing that requires our attention. It seems we are hypnotized by the revolution we had achieved in the past few years. 
What is the ultimate limit of this modern world or is there an end to revolutions?
Is this revolution going to stop or it will continue for long?
 You would also find an explanation that most of the atheists proclaim that science has proved ample shreds of evidence of the existence of God!
But it's of no use to take pride in all inventions and discoveries, all they have found is only the minute veiled cue of nature. 
Surat No. 24 Ayat NO. 35. Surat un Noor
Allah guides to His light whom He wills. And Allah presents examples for the people, and Allah is Knowing of all things.
You would find answers to your questions if you thrive to uncover what is covered.
There is no need to take pride in a single clue instead you should try to unveil the veiled.
Surat No. 24 Ayat NO. 42 Al noor.
 And to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah is the destination.
In nutshell, a person living in the west has no dominion over the person living in the third world. All that west has achieved is based on their efforts to elevate their standard of life and to learn the unlearned.
One of the problems that the west faces are to keep a balance between their social, material, and spiritual life.
 Your Spiritual life teaches you to keep equal relations with your social, material, and spiritual life. Being hypnotized with modern life limits your engagement with social activities and spiritual life that drives xenophobia, social imbalance, and mental confrontations.
Quran emphasizes carrying worldly businesses properly but also asserts to think over your religion.
Surat No. 24 Ayat NO. 37  Surat un noor
[Are] men whom neither commerce nor sale distracts from the remembrance of Allah and performance of prayer and giving of zakah. They fear a Day in which the hearts and eyes will [fearfully] turn about .
This verse reveals that business is compulsory but don't deny the one who is light and lights everything.
  • Is everything coming from the west is bad?
Well, the answer is, no!
West is not all good but has flaws as well!
How west made its progress to a developed nation?
The answer is simple, they made conscious efforts to elevate the lives up to standard one and made
conscious efforts towards education about which Quran made statement 14000 years before!
Quran deeply emphasizes the use of conscience ( Aqal ). 😍

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