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How to Avoid Addiction?

Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic is alcohol, morphine, or idealism.

Carl Gustav Jung

It’s an unarguable awareness that we as humans in this society all possess one habit/addiction or the other. These habits can be our best friend or our worst enemy which may handily make or contaminate us. Habits are formed every day in various circumstances and as we grow older they become deeply ingrained in us.

A habit of a thing doesn’t only influence you but also your relationship in life. A lot of us want to quit these disturbing habits or addictions but our effort has proven abortive as you‘ve found yourself reverting to it. Change they say is the only thing steady in life. So, but disciplinary implemented measures by you to relinquish can help you overcome these habits.

In recognition of the fact that so many persons are hungry and determined to quit from whatever bad habits and addictions they are into; I had to write on some helpful approaches to overcome such habit/addiction.

Courage does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an invincible will

1. Make an effort to reflect upon when, where, how you got that habit, and what do you derive from such habit. Is it just relaxation or a way to avoid something?

2. Convince yourself: jot down your motive for wanting to quit where you can see them boldly, and examine this list recurrently. Lay these reasons at the front and back of your mind.

3. Ask for support: if you have any sordid or immoral attitude or indulgence in secret and have made up your mind to stop. Open up to those who have gone through similar experiences in the past so they can give you helpful tips on how to overcome such habits. Also, ask for the support of close friends or family members.

4. Destroy materials: make sure you search, find and destroy every material and thing that has been causing you to indulge in such activities before you reach your set date of quitting.

5. Avoid places of reminder: because you have determined to quit that disturbing habit of yours. You should stay away from places and situations where you would be tempted or lured to regress. You may also need to cut off from the company and friends who still inhabit.

6. Avoid ‘just this once syndrome”: many persons who want to quit from a bad habit/addiction do say “after this once, I’ll quit finally”. Don’t be fooled. Such words could only lead to relapse.

7. Commit yourself to God: Nothing is impossible with God. So, in as much, as you’ve made up your mind and decided to quit from whatever habit/addiction. You need to seek and ask for God’s guidance and grace.

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