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What If Moon Disappeared? World Without Moon!

Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass

Anton Chekhov

We ran as if to meet the moon

The moon illuminates the dark nights on our earth and has always been the center of human curiosity but have you ever wondered what will happen if one night you find out that the moon has disappeared from our world forever. Will it affect our days, nights, months, and years? Will our seasons also change? Will we never be able to see lunar eclipses and solar eclipses again?

Prior to the question, “what happens if the moon disappears”, let us know the Birth of the Moon?

 Let us tell you only the theory that is generally popular which is known as “Widely Accepted Theory”. So, that is four and a half billion years ago when our beloved blue earth came into being. After the birth of the earth,  one day a planet called Theia was about the size of Mars collided with the newborn earth so hard that a part of the earth was separated from it and scattered in space, and began to revolve around the earth. This separated part was our moon that revolved around the earth. This theory is also generally accepted because the Apollo-11 mission landed on the moon for the first time and brought the samples to the earth from its surface that has been found to be very similar to those of the earth in characteristics,  even if there is a difference it is very small contrary to many theories.  Proponents of this theory say that if it had come from somewhere else and have become part of our solar system then the composition of the samples brought from it would be different from earth.

 Now let's move on to our real question, what will happen if one day the moon disappears?

 The Year Will Not Last 365 Days, you must have read and you probably know that our earth on which we live revolves around the sun and also revolves around one of its imaginary axes as the earth revolves around its own axis, day turns into night, and night into day and the earth takes twenty-four hours to revolve around its axis but, along with the rest of the factors, there is also the moon due to which the earth spends twenty-four hours around its axis. If the moon were to leave our solar system then obviously the gravity that makes earth rotation around its axis in twenty-four hours would disappear due to the end of this gravity, the earth will now begin to rotate faster thus the length of one day will be reduced from 24 to 6 to 12 hours months will no longer be limited to 28 to 31 days rather, the system will collapse and the concept of months will disappear the year will be 1000 days or more instead of 365 days.  Lunar

 Eclipses and Solar Eclipses Will also End.  You must have seen lunar eclipses and solar eclipses.  Since the sun is a stationary body and our earth revolves around it while the moon is orbiting the earth.  During this movement, it sometimes happens that the moon comes between the earth and the sun and the sunlight does not reach our earth and the shadow of the moon starts falling on the earth. This is called an eclipse during such a movement, it sometimes happens that the earth comes between the sun and the moon and the sunlight does not reach the moon this phenomenon is called a lunar eclipse. Now,  you may have known that if the moon disappears either the earth will come between the moon and the sun and cause a lunar eclipse nor will the moon ever come between the earth and the sun, causing a solar eclipse that is, we will never see these scenes again.

The Tides will disappear.  You must know about tides and this happens when the tides are quite high and this phenomenon is visible on moonlit nights. The moon is the closest body to our earth and its gravitational pull causes the waves of the oceans to fluctuate.  If the moon disappears, the tides will be reduced by 75%. According to the space agency NASA, these waves will not disappear completely because the gravitational pull of the sun also has some effect on the sea although this attraction of the sun will be much less than that of the moon.  Let's take a look at the implications because the whole ecosystem is found between these high and low tide areas. Many marine animals also receive food, because of these waves this reduction in tidal waves will disrupt the marine ecosystem. In addition, it is the lunar attraction that causes the warm waters to mix with the frozen and cold waters of the North Pole and the South Pole to help maintain a mild climate. Overall the absence of the moon can also adversely affect the climate and without it the seasons will increase in intensity.

Will the Seasons be over?

You may be surprised to know that it is the moon that allows us to see the four seasons.  Our earth is basically revolving around the sun with a tilt of 23.5 degrees, according to experts this tilt of 23.5 degrees was caused by the collision. When the moon was born but it is this tilt that causes the change of seasons. You know that due to this inclination, when it is summer at the North Pole, it is very cold on the South Pole but this inclination is maintained by the gravity of the moon. The disappearance of the moon will change the angle of inclination of the earth; it can have many forms from zero to 45 degrees.  If this angle were completely zero then the length of day and night would be equal and the concept of different seasons would disappear but if it rises above the current angle of 45 degrees then the weather will become extremely harsh and unbearable.  North and South pole glaciers will melt completely while North Africa will now be covered in ice according to experts, even if this happens, it will not be an immediate event but will take many thousands of millions of years.

 In addition, the disappearance of the moon will probably destroy the dreams of those who want to reach it and build a new world on it, It will be beautiful to see other stars in the sky from our earth because they will be more visible.

Now, Will the Moon Ever Disappear?

 Let’s also see if the moon will ever leave our world and disappear somewhere far away.  Are these some possibilities for this or these are just our speculations. The Moon is moving 3.8 cm away from our earth every year and it is estimated that 15 billion years from now it will disappear from our planet but there is no need to worry because the sun would have already reached its age before the moon disappears and maybe this world is over.

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