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Showing posts from March, 2022

Chinas Trillion Dollar Project - Belt and Road Initiative

 The BRI is China's way of leveraging power to become a global leader! There’s a new highway in Pakistan and a new rail terminal in Kazakhstan. A seaport in Sri Lanka recently opened. As well as this bridge in rural Laos. What’s interesting is that they’re all part of one country’s project that spans 3 continents and touches over 60% of the world’s population. If you connect the dots, it’s not hard to see which country that is. This is China's Belt and Road Initiative -- the most ambitious infrastructure project in modern history that's designed to reroute global trade. It's how China plans to become the world’s next superpower. It’s 2013 and Chinese president, Xi Jinping is giving a speech in Kazakhstan where he mentions the Ancient Silk Road: A network of trade routes that spread goods, ideas, and culture across Europe, the Middle East, and China as far back as 200 BC. He then says: "We should take an innovative approach and jointly build an economic belt along w...

Is Time Traveler Machine Possible? Does It Exist?

 Man's desires are infinite. Due to the advancement of science and technology, today's man intends to do everything that a man could not have imagined a hundred years ago. But even today, in spite of the tremendous progress of science, man is helpless in many things and many questions remain unanswered such as the mystery of time travel, which means to go into the past or the future from one's present. "No man can jump twice into the same river" or in Urdu, "gone days never return back", we have heard many such proverbs. In this video, we will learn about what time travel is and whether time travel is possible or not What does science know about this so far? Is there anyone who claims to be a time traveler? What is Time Travel? What is time travel? The shortest definition is “to travel in time”. That is ; going from your present into the past or the future To take a simple example, we are all moving forward in time Every year on our birthday, our age inc...

How Tea Was Introduced To The World? History of Tea with its background perspective!

How was this amazing beverage discovered?  How did it reach Europe? When and how did the cultivation of tea in India start? Tea is a significant part of our everyday lives. One that actually marks the start of our day. For some, evening tea is a source of relaxation after a full day of work. For some others, it's the best drink there ever is. The fondness of Pakistanis for tea can be understood by the fact that, according to the reports published by the Government of Pakistan for the first quarter of the fiscal year 2021, Pakistanis drank tea worth Rs 24 Billion 800 million in those 3 months. But how was this amazing beverage discovered? How was it discovered? How did it reach Europe? When and how did the cultivation of tea in India start? The Chinese Emperor Shennong is credited with the discovery of tea. According to the Chinese, he was an herbalist and founder of agriculture. He discovered tea for the first time in 2737 BC. There are two versions of this story. According to a le...

Why Pakistan is so important to China? Why China needs Pakistan and Why CPEC is crucial for both nations?

 The CPEC is as important to China as it is to Pakistan and we will continue to work day and night to bring it to more fruition! Peng Zhengwu, Acting Consul General Chinese Why does China need Pakistan? Here are the 3 most important reasons why China needs Pakistan. 1. About 80% of oil trade in China takes place via the Malacca Strait. This trade route to China is about 10 thousand miles long. Whereas, if the same is done via Gawadar port in Pakistan, it's going to be between 2 thousand to 3.5 thousand miles. So, if China reroutes only half of its trade oil through Pakistan it will result in an annual profit of 2 billion dollars. But for a country like China, a profit of 2 billion dollars is not the only important thing. 2. The second reason is that this trade oil and overall Chinese trade through Malacca strait in general, are never threat free. China needs a continuous supply of large amounts of oil and gas. But, the Malacca strait is always under the threat of war. That's be...

Difference Between Presidential and Parliamentary Form of Government!

 Presidential vs Parliamentary System! The best one out of it for Pakistan and a comparative analysis of governments from around the globe! There is an echo of the presidential system in Pakistan today everyone is giving political arguments for and against it beyond this politics, we will tell you what a presidential system is, what are its advantages and disadvantages, in which countries of the world is it prevalent, and how is the head of government is elected? Presidential System vs. Parliamentary System, Who is the Head of Government? The presidential system is such a system in which all administrative powers are vested in the President. He is not only the head of government but also often the head of state. On the other hand, in a parliamentary system, the head of government is the Prime Minister. while the head of state is the president, queen, or king. In a parliamentary system, the prime minister is the source of power, and the status of head of state is formal that is, he ...

What happens to our joints, when we pop or crack them? And is it bad for you?

  What happens to our joints, when we pop or crack them? And is it bad for you? Synovial fluid is the lubricant-like substance that's found in between your joints. It looks like an egg yolk.S o when you stretch out your joint, you are releasing gas, and that gas forms a bubble and it collapses and pops. In order to crack the same knuckle again, you have to wait about 20 minutes for the gas to return back to that fluid. So, how is that different from a pop you hear when you stand up quickly? The sound you're probably hearing then is the snapping sound tendons make when sliding between muscles or over bones. When a joint moves, the tendon snaps quickly over and it makes a popping sound.  So, is the knuckle-cracking habit safe? Probably, Donald Unger was sort of a self-described researcher who chose to pop the joints in one of his hands for 60 years, but not the other one. And he wanted to find out if popping your knuckles would actually give you arthritis. After 60 years of doin...

What If Moon Disappeared? World Without Moon!

Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass Anton Chekhov We ran as if to meet the moon The moon illuminates the dark nights on our earth and has always been the center of human curiosity but have you ever wondered what will happen if one night you find out that the moon has disappeared from our world forever. Will it affect our days, nights, months, and years? Will our seasons also change? Will we never be able to see lunar eclipses and solar eclipses again? Prior to the question, “what happens if the moon disappears”, let us know the Birth of the Moon ?   Let us tell you only the theory that is generally popular which is known as “Widely Accepted Theory”. So, that is four and a half billion years ago when our beloved blue earth came into being. After the birth of the earth,  one day a planet called Theia was about the size of Mars collided with the newborn earth so hard that a part of the earth was separated from it and scattered in spac...

Attabad Lake - Natural Jewels of Hunza

 Alamgeer Hussain Focus Humanitarian Assistance Pakistan Landslides occur normally in mountainous areas in response to a wide variety of terrain situations and accelerating processes such as huge precipitation, cloudbursts, earthquakes, floods, and human activity. Continent-wise, Asia suffers the maximum damages/losses due to landslides in general, and the south Asian nations, in particular, are the worst sufferers. Further, among south Asian countries, Pakistan is among the most pretentious countries. In Pakistan, nearly 15 to 20 % of its territory is prone to various degrees of landslide hazard, frequently affecting human life, livelihood, livestock, infrastructures, and natural resources. Landslides are spread over the north and northwestern part of Pakistan, particularly in KP and Gilgit-Baltistan (GB). The most sensitive areas are Himalaya-Karakoram-Hindu Kush Ranges. Attabad is a remote village in Gilgit-Baltistan situated on the right b...

How to Avoid Addiction?

Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic is alcohol, morphine, or idealism. Carl Gustav Jung It’s an unarguable awareness that we as humans in this society all possess one habit/addiction or the other. These habits can be our best friend or our worst enemy which may handily make or contaminate us. Habits are formed every day in various circumstances and as we grow older they become deeply ingrained in us. A habit of a thing doesn’t only influence you but also your relationship in life. A lot of us want to quit these disturbing habits or addictions but our effort has proven abortive as you‘ve found yourself reverting to it. Change they say is the only thing steady in life. So, but disciplinary implemented measures by you to relinquish can help you overcome these habits. In recognition of the fact that so many persons are hungry and determined to quit from whatever bad habits and addictions they are into; I had to write on some helpful approaches to overcome such ha...

Is CPEC a form of financial Imperialism or China's economic Soft Power?

China Pakistan Economic Corridor In one of his interviews, Chairman Pakistan Peoples Party, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari negated the term "CEPC as financial imperialism" whereas he called it china's economic soft power. He emphasized the US not to jealously undermine it, instead come and compete well with old-fashioned capitalism. The US can also project its soft power in South Asia. This is the only access for China to warm waters. Well, if we talk from its inception until now, this is for fact that it had made considerable development in Gawadar and its nearby region. As to the long-term plan for CPEC (2017-2030), a comprehensive mechanism has been made to carry on distinct projects.  CPEC is based on many collaborative projects on building infrastructure, industrial development, socio-economic development, livelihood improvement, and bringing prosperity and capital to the region. It covers China's Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and the whole of Pakistan. As to their of...

Wage increase must be in line with inflation!

  Wages must be in direct proportion to inflation! Rising inflation particularly for a developing country must be in proportion with the wage because a common man can't buy commodities with inflated prices with little wage. It is important to bring a mass out of poverty and stabilize the gross root economy. This causes abrupt tension and frustration among the general public, however, economists say, to curb inflation wages and expenses must bring them in line together and these two are in inverse proportion to each other. For the single breadwinner, it becomes a little implacable to feed a  whole family with pricey food and with little wage. Pakistan ranks 92nd out of the 116 countries with a score of 24.7, which indicates a serious level of hunger, according to the 2021 Global Hunger Index. The Global Hunger Index (GHI) is a tool designed to comprehensively measure and track hunger at the global, regional, and national levels. Although it's a fair number but also a striking t...

Does the constitution of the political party determine how democratic a country would be or the constitution of the state?

 It is the nature and the constitution of the political parties which decide how democratic a country is, not the constitution of the country. Indeed, it's a hot topic these days when the world is under political crisis. A democratic country follows its constitution for the peaceful transfer of power but is this the only way to get the best out of it. Perhaps not, as the state's constitution is the prerequisite for fair democratic transfer of power and authority. Certainly, the constitution guarantees the rights and prevalence of justice and order but what if when there is a futile premier. Constitution is only a piece of paper until enforced. It suits the best ruler who could rule as to its soul.  Another, matter that has the potential threat to democracy is unfair corruption, lawlessness, monopoly, and delayed justice. Constitution never allows powerful to sneak past without justice fulfilled but what if he escapes justice. Surely, there is no flaw in the constitution but th...

Built bridges but do not cross them!

 Hypnotized by West! The society you live in has norms and rules! Society works as a discipline and it appears abnormal if you corrupt it. Being in a modern world ( as everyone living in an age considers his age modern ) we have many things around us that the believers of Islam of early age lacked like the biggest revolution, I say it the social media. Its obsession confronts vague for most Muslims only because people spent half of their time in a day searching and scrolling down Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Is this right to spend most of the time with it? It seems as life is elevated becoming more harder even to think is there any other thing that requires our attention. It seems we are hypnotized by the revolution we had achieved in the past few years.  What is the ultimate limit of this modern world or is there an end to revolutions? Is this revolution going to stop or it will continue for long?  You would also find an explanation that most of the atheists procla...

Local Government System in Gilgit Baltistan

  Introduction Local government is the 3rd layer of government at the grassroots level. Its prime objective is to meet the needs of people at the local level. It guarantees the participation of citizens under their supervision to order all aspects of their daily routine life. It serves as a school life for democracy and the upbringing of political leadership in mainstream politics. Gilgit-Baltistan got independence on 1st November 1947. In 1963 first local government system was introduced in G.B during the Ayyub era. Before 1963, the Lumber Dari system prevails in this area. The second local government system was introduced in 1979 during Gen . Zia-al-Haq Era which was Punjab local government ordinance 1979. In 2014, Gilgit-Baltistan legislative assembly passed a local government act in the era of PPP government. Currently, the local government act 2014 is enforced in Gilgit-Baltistan. The local Government System in Gilgit- Baltistan is divided into two tiers Urban and Rural Areas....